Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Golf Winner: A Simple Guide To Curing Your Golf Slice

How To Play Golf

When it comes down to a golfer slicing a golf ball, basically everybody who has ever picked up a club and took a shot has seen a slice. Unless your some sort of golfing prodigy that is. There could be many reasons why you or anybody else tends to slice the golf ball. To cure your golf slice you need to first of all pin point were the problem is originating from. A few of the main reasons why so many people slice the ball are, a persons stance, their swing, and their grip. A closer look at these three elements would provoke an improvement in your tendency to slice your shots.

Now….Let’s begin with the correct grip. This is an important issue in golf and many think that the harder they hold the golf club the more power they will get. Well, I’ve got new for you, it doesn’t work, and most of all, your grip pressure can cause the ball to slice or hook. The stronger the grip, the more chance you have of hooking the ball, because when the club is held to tightly, the club face tends to be closed on impact. Too weak of a grip will lead to a slice, because the club tends to be too open on impact with a weak grip. The right grip pressure to use is about 5 to 6 on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the strongest and 1 being the lightest.

If, after that you are still seeing a slice in your shots, it may mean that you have the slightest problem with your stance. The basics of a golf stance are:

  • Your feet should be shoulder width apart

  • The line of your shoulders should be facing the target

  • Your trailing foot should be facing straight out

  • Your front foot should be ever so slightly out facing the target

  • The ball should be a club heads width on the inside of your front foot

  • When you look down at address your left eye should be directly over the golf ball (or right if you’re a left handed golfer)

Now, head on down to the practice range and hit some balls until you get used to your new setup.

One more thing you can alter to cure your golf slice is your swing. The backswing is most likely the main culprit in your swing that causes your shot to slice. On the backswing the lower shaft of the golf club and the club head should go past and over your shoulder. The actual position of your clubs face can tend to cause a slice. While you want your clubs face to be perfect on impact (slightly open) you don’t need to alter the position of it in your backswing or downswing, as your hips and your torso will work to get it into position themselves.

Although the backswing is the main problem that can cause a slice, the downswing shouldn’t be neglected in this case. The downswing also has to be correct. A good downswing should always start with the hips and not with the arms as many people tend to believe.

Now…It may take a lot of practice before you begin to get used to your alterations in your swing, grip, and stance, but remember, if you revert back to your old ways you will never eliminate that slice.

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